OnlineDatingYou can post your blog response about online dating in the comments section below. Your post will be due before class on Tuesday. Assignment criteria:

Write a short essay of 250 words or more about a particular sociological aspect of online dating. How is your topic sociologically interesting? This can focus on a particular website and its business model, how much money it makes, how the website works, the ways it controls behavior of participants. You can focus on how certain demographic groups interact online. How demographic groups are targeted by certain websites. How social power is created online. Dating among a particular institution: religion, profession, etc.

You should open with an illustrative story. Then present your argument. Then present your data. Do not include long quotes from the source(s), write in your own words. Include your reflection on the topic. Introduce your link (author, title) and include it in the text or at the bottom, but definitely refer to it specifically. Have a conclusion.

Here is an article “Dating Services in the U.S.: Market Research Report.” In this report we learn that the business makes $2 billion/year, with an annual growth rate of 4.8% and employs 7,649 people, through a total of 3,851 businesses.

In class on Tuesday, we will watch the documentary When Strangers Click.