Welcome to 130: Sociology of the Family 

Please familiarize yourself with our course syllabus. If you have any questions, please ask.

On the first day of class, we will have an icebreaker activity. Each student should think of something that they are willing to share about their family: mentioning both one way in which their family is statistically average, and one way in which their family is statistically in the minority. We will get in pairs and introduce each other with this prompt. Please write a short summary of your response on our blog posting here, as a practice for blog posting.

In order to prepare for the next class on Thursday, please read the two following chapters.

Linn: Consuming Kids, Introduction: The Marketing Maelstrom, p. 1-10
Linn: Consuming Kids, 2: A Consumer in the Family, p. 31-41

To add to our discussion on Thursday, I would like you to think about your own family and it’s patterns of child-directed consumerism. Is there a product that is memorial from your childhood? Do you see your siblings attracted to particular products? Look up one of the products on YouTube or their website and post a description on this blog as well, with a link. Also, look up information on the deregulation of child advertisement. What Administration deregulated the industry? In what year? What were the impacts? Be willing to share your posting with the class on Thursday.